
Aisyah Hanisah Laili (Syanisah) is a Year 2 in the Nanyang
Academy of Fine Arts, pursuing a diploma in 4D Fine Art.
She pursued her passions and interests prior to NAFA through her first internship experience as an Art Trainer for EPIC Workshops, and Part Time as an Art Instructor for Artlette, sharing her love and knowledge of art and fundamental sciences through well-developed lessons for corporates, children and the elderly.
She has presented her works whihc incorporated the use of AI in the
Hangzhou Overseas Immersion Programme exhibition
in NAFA.

Silent Conversations

Side-by-side with the three-photograph project, Journeys.
Exhibited from September 2024.


Made for and Exhibited in the China - Hangzhou Overseas Immersion Programme.


StatementMy works aim to be thought-provoking, emotional works that touch upon interpersonal relationships such as familial issues. Working broadly with different mediums such as music and photography, I aim to bring people into retrospect of how the stories we experience around us - that also makes up who we are - change and continues to do so for each and every individual, yet the feelings from them can imprint us for a lifetime. My ultimate goal is to capture this imprint into my works.


[email protected]